Trade softball stretches for strength training

Jun 06, 2023

Why is it that, despite your dedication to stretching, you still feel tight and sore? If you follow our stretching prescription: 90 seconds, twice a day, for two weeks, and you STILL don’t feel like you’re making progress, you’re not alone. Fixing movement is a layered puzzle...

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5 Softball Stretches To Do Before Every Game

May 23, 2023

If your team is like most you probably have a warmup and stretching routine. But what stretches are you doing and why? How does that help you win?

Stretching the right muscles the right way can actually be the difference between a great game for you and having to sit out injured. You think it...

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Pitch And Run Faster By Stretching?

May 16, 2023

It might sound crazy that by just stretching you could run faster, pitch faster, swing harder, etc– but it makes sense if you think about some basic physics:

Can you hit a golfball farther with a golf club, or with a ping-pong paddle? Can you jump higher with your knees locked, or your...

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When Stretching Hurts Your Softball Game

May 08, 2023

As a softball player you’ve probably been told a thousand times how important it is to stretch before a game. It’s key to preventing injury and improving your performance….yada yada yada.

But what no one ever talks about is how stretching can work against you and keep you from...

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Softball Recovery Techniques

Apr 27, 2023

We’ve spent the last 3 weeks chatting about how to effectively do soft tissue, not only how to do it but also how to fix the problem so we can eventually stop doing soft tissue.

BUT WHY?? What does soft tissue do?? Soft tissue encourages old blood out, so new blood can come in. New blood...

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Beating Softball Pain For Good

Apr 21, 2023

How to Deal with Aches and Pains as a Softball Player

As a softball player, you’re no stranger to aches and pains. Whether it’s a sore shoulder from throwing, neck pain, elbows, back pain, it all drains your energy and affects your game until they become so unbearable you just...

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Soft Tissue For Softballers

Apr 13, 2023

Muscle soreness is a fact of life during the softball season. And in our post last week we went over the various causes of soreness and what to do about it (Hint: the answer isn't always stretching) Let's talk about soft tissue and how we can keep our muscles in tip-top shape. Let's review some...

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Crush Your Game Without Feeling Like Crap

Apr 06, 2023

Do you ever feel like there are certain areas of your body that just need a little extra TLC? Like you always need a massage? I totally get it. We all try resting, icing, stretching, and massaging, but sometimes it seems like nothing really works. It’s frustrating, right?

Let’s get...

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Softball Shin Splints

Mar 30, 2023

As you head outdoors and get back on the field, are those shin splints rearing their ugly head again? Here's the nitty-gritty on what to do about them.

#1. Make sure they are shin splints.

It's easy to confuse anterior tibialis tendinitis for shin splints. Why does that matter? Because you treat...

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Softball, Hydration, Squats, And Glute Bridges

Mar 16, 2023

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! But Why?

Have you ever wondered how much water you should drink and why it matters so much? If you aren't collapsing from dehydration, then how does being hydrated affect your performance? Did you know that dehydration decreases your cardiovascular fitness by 5%? It...

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