How To Fix Your Movement

Aug 29, 2023

If you've been following along with our last few posts, you might be thinking, "Everyone has these movement deficits — things they can see that aren’t symmetrical from one side to the other, or areas of motion they need to improve."

That's correct.

But the question you care about is this: "Do I have movement deficits that are affecting my softball game?" These movement deficiencies initially limit your athletic performance but ultimately lead to aches, pains, and injuries. So if you have them, you definitely want to know.

But how do we figure out our own movement deficiencies?

Just to review: There are some tell-tale signs that trouble is brewing. The big idea? If you feel off, if you notice asymmetry from one side to the other, or if you see others performing actions you struggle with, then warning bells should ring. 

Catch up on these concepts from our last few posts:


You might be able to ignore that pain or injury for a while, but eventually, your body will force you to face it. Do you have any of these signs? Don’t put it off. Unsure how to address them? We have a perfect resource to help you get started that we're going to share at the end of the post. But there's also this: I’m just a chat away. Click on the chat box as you scroll through, and I'll guide you towards specific solutions.

We need to understand two things:

  1. If you're injured and CAN’T play, it limits your performance.
  2. If you're injured but CAN play, it still limits your performance.

Many of us might notice some of these warning signs, but they haven't stopped us yet. However, these issues are already hampering your performance. They're restricting your body's ability to move both efficiently and powerfully. Ever wondered why the top female sprinters in the 100-yard dash at the Olympics often have the most graceful sprints? It's because they're efficient and powerful. They reached that level through rigorous training, optimizing their movements to be the best. Remember, no one knows your body better than you.

Here's a fun fact: Did you know that there have been 255 father-son duos in the major leagues over the last 147 years? That means 255 fathers have watched their sons play alongside them at the highest level. As of June 1, 2023, there have been 20,365 Major League players. That’s a significant number of father-son pairs at the pinnacle of baseball. This doesn’t even account for all the major league players with sons who've played high-level baseball, though not in the majors. Nature or nurture? Genetics might be a factor, but it seems a lot of nurturing gives their sons the skills to excel. Perhaps it’s not about innate talent but about addressing inefficiencies to not only feel better but also to play at your peak.

Don't brush aside an unusual run or throw simply because it's not causing discomfort. "It looks odd, but it works for her" isn't a mindset you want. It's impacting your prowess in your sport.

So how do you start to find and fix your movement deficiencies? Answer– the Movement Screen

The Movement Screen will seem simple enough: basic moves, like squatting, lifting your arms, and rotating. Every softball player should execute these six movements flawlessly. But here’s the twist: I've yet to see a softball player nail all six without some issue they could spot or feel.

Try them out and perform them exactly as I describe and be honest with yourself. Can you spot or sense any asymmetry from one side to the other?

That's not perfect. Experiencing consistent pain in certain areas? That's not flawless either. It's a brewing issue. One that might eventually result in an injury but is currently undermining your potential.


Get the Baseline MX Movement Screen

Click here to grab the Movement Screen


Until next time,




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