You don't have to suffer through the same pain two seasons in a row. You can take care of it once and for all.
The next softball season is right around the corner, and you know that little twinge you had in your shoulder, or that stiff neck that plagued you during the course of the season, or that achy back or knee? Now's the time to address it, but it's good to have a clear plan of action as to what to do to address it.
You've taken a few weeks off, and now it feels better, so you think the problem is gone, right?
This is what happens to a lot of us. We park the car in the garage for a week or two, take a break, and lo and behold, we feel much better. That big ache is now a little ache, and we are on our way. Rest is a solid first approach for certain injuries, but don't be fooled; if you don't take care of the actual problem, you come back to your game, and that same pain sets in again.
Picture this. Your car needs an oil change, and you park it in the garage for a couple of weeks. When you pull it out, it might seem like it runs okay, but you can't fool yourself into thinking that the oil has been changed.
So what's a good injury to park for now and trust that there's a good chance that the problem is taken care of? Contact injuries. Contact injuries are when you collide with others on the field. Maybe something breaks, tears, twists. So what do you do about these kinds of injuries? Well, #1, you rest them. Let the area recover. As the tissue, bone, ligament heals, then you condition your body back into gameplay, and you should be on your way.
Here's the dilemma that most of you are going to find out. Most injuries, over 80 percent, are non-contact. Just to give you an idea of how prevalent these are, 85 percent of ACL injuries in professional football, according to the National Trainers Association, are non-contact – and they play a contact sport. We don't even play a contact sport. So the chances are pretty good, even if you have had a severe injury, it's non-contact.
If you had a non-contact injury, the park and rest technique isn't going to cut it. You have to figure out what the problem is and change the oil, so to speak.
Stay tuned to this blog series while I give you the nuts and bolts of what to do for your non-contact injury, or if you want help with your injury today, schedule an appointment.
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